Not every Mobile App Development Project achieves its goal by the end of the process. That is why, to create something unique, it is important to establish some ground rules before starting the actual work. In this blog, you will find some flags that you must uncover if you want effortless project completion.
It takes the creative resources of testers, designers, and developers to build a successful app. Through a technical ballet of coordination, frequent discussions, and development methodology, the end product takes the shape of what was initially on a rough blueprint a few months ago.
However, keep in mind that app development is not a solved formula and doesn’t ensure success 100% of the time. On the contrary, there are some warning signs that you must heed before your entire plan goes out the window.
Why do Most Mobile App Development Projects fail?
Currently, the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store have over 3.57 million mobile apps. However, not all these apps will succeed because of poor design, a lack of research, or simply a weak marketing strategy. But even before that, there exists an app development project responsible for creating such apps from scratch. Even there, failure often looms over the overall project and tests everyone involved in it. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that slowly take away the competitive edge of the mobile app development project.
No Wisdom and Insight
You are at a certain point in the project when, collectively, people are starting to think about what they are supposed to do. The plan no longer exists or changes frequently at the whim of the investor.
Moreover, the goals are constantly moving and expanding without finishing the last one, destabilizing the project more than it was before. In between all this, you decide to try some of the flavors of ‘agile’ and create a drastic change to make delivery ends meet.
Leaving Quality Aside
“Quality” is not a task but an ongoing part of the development process. Through multiple rounds of testing and user feedback, you have the power to dig deep into the design and development phases. Massive dips in quality often come with tighter deadlines, which are no longer manageable and effectively slow things down.
Instead, after each project milestone, the state of the project should be assessed to minimize poor specifications and vague business requirements. Specifications aren’t required to be technical but should include minimal quality guidelines and rules.
Low Morale
Morale is an elusive quality that is attributed to many factors, depending on the state of the Mobile App Development Project. Positive morale is often characterized by discipline and the willingness to complete a task before a deadline. Job insecurity, a lack of a fair compensation policy, and excessive outsourcing practices often produce low morale among team members. In the case of app development, low morale is an outcome of communication gaps between team members, which in turn leads to distrust and disrespect, especially when managers don’t appreciate their efforts.
A costly indicator of low morale is the high presence of bugs in mobile apps. This happens when developers decide to purposefully write bad lines of code because they feel unhappy and have no incentive to stay. Therefore, you need to be mindful of how much you and others on the development team complain. Make an effort to suggest solutions, even if they are personal, to show that you care.
Missed Deadlines
This is the clearest sign that the mobile app development project needs to be on the right track as per the schedule. Everyone missed the deadline, but consistent ones are a result of not taking early action and making unrealistic deadlines with no resources.
Instead of imposing harsh penalties on missed deadlines, you can cut back on time-wasting meetings or streamline the project requirements by breaking them down into even smaller milestones. Maybe it’s because adding too many features or removing constant bugs is taking longer than expected. The solution is not to work harder but to re-evaluate the scope to get back on track.
Skipped Input
Custom apps cannot be ordered from a catalog. The complicated nature of the mobile app development project requires technical stakeholders to be involved in the planning process, as they have a better way to make things more feasible. By taking input from the people equally and implementing the vision. And you have built a sense of buy-in from everyone involved.
Most mobile app development projects often fail to deliver or live up to expectations because there is no sense of togetherness in the team. However, there should indeed be a leader who makes everyone feel great when the timelines and specifications become more complex. It is up to the team to attain the success everyone is working for.
Tech Stack Disaster
Writing multiple native mobile apps for different devices can be a daunting task, but taking a non-native approach often comes with drawbacks of its own. Therefore, choosing the right approach often depends on the release schedule of the app. If you have time, you can opt for native, but if you want to cut costs, then choose the hybrid approach.
Above all, a critical blunder happens when you wrongly anticipate the outcome or the nature of the app. It may look like a cutting-edge choice during system design. But it often comes with an excessive amount of risk that should have been avoided in the first place. That is why most entrepreneurs today rely on professional app development firms with demonstrated experience in the app they want to build. To have the entire app developed under budget. Some of them even opt for white-labeling firms after doing multiple rounds of testing.
What’s Next?
If you are going through a tough phase in your mobile app development project. You should take a step back and see what you are missing. Sometimes, even skipping the entire design and development phase is also a good idea to focus more on the marketing of the app. To understand more about this process, you can ask any professional and experienced white-label firm or download any clone app. That closely resembles the app you want to develop.
Stick with what your team lays on the table and trust them throughout the process. Be honest and familiarize yourself with the project and the future outcomes it can create. Your business acumen should be the one that sets apart other projects working towards the same goal.
If you recognize these danger signs early in your Mobile App Development Project, then you can prevent failure. Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to turn around and jump-start the process all over again.